Object>>method: num
    "comment 123"
    | var1 var2 |
    (1 to: num) do: [:i | |var| ^i].
    Klass with: var1.
    Klass new.
    arr := #('123' 123.345 #hello Transcript var $@).
    arr := #().
    var2 = arr at: 3.
    ^ self abc

    "HeapTest new heapExample"
    | n rnd array time sorted |
    n := 5000.
    "# of elements to sort"
    rnd := Random new.
    array := (1 to: n)
                collect: [:i | rnd next].
    "First, the heap version"
    time := Time
                millisecondsToRun: [sorted := Heap withAll: array.
        to: n
        do: [:i |
            sorted removeFirst.
            sorted add: rnd next]].
    Transcript cr; show: 'Time for Heap: ' , time printString , ' msecs'.
    "The quicksort version"
    time := Time
                millisecondsToRun: [sorted := SortedCollection withAll: array.
        to: n
        do: [:i |
            sorted removeFirst.
            sorted add: rnd next]].
    Transcript cr; show: 'Time for SortedCollection: ' , time printString , ' msecs'