# This is a comment
import toto.graph;

# Facet
facet VM {
	installer: iaas;

# Components
VM_ec2 {
	facets: VM;
	children: cluster-node, mysql;

VM_openstack {
	facets: VM;
	children: cluster-node, mysql;

cluster-node {
	alias: a cluster node;
	installer: puppet;
	exports: ip, port, optional-property1, optional_property2;
	imports: cluster-node.ip (optional), cluster-node.port (optional), mysql.ip, mysql.port;

mysql {
	alias: a MySQL database;
	installer: puppet;
	exports: ip, port;

# Normally, instances are defined in another file...
instance of VM_ec2 {
	name: VM_;
	count: 3;
	my-instance-property: whatever;
	instance of cluster-node {
		name: cluster node;		# An in-line comment

instance of VM_openstack {
	name: VM_database;
	instance of mysql {
		name: mysql;